However, when the town is infested with Xenomorphs, the battle hardened soldier comes out and her protective mother instinct kicks in. She feels upset that she can't connect with her young daughter Molly. She and Dallas become close because of the horrible events. Kelly comforts Molly, telling her that the monsters are gone. They are soon surrounded by military men and surrender their weapons. The copter crash lands after the blast wave overtakes them. They barely escape the nuclear attack on the town. Kelly is able to reach the helicopter with Molly, Dallas and his younger brother Ricky. Kelly and the others are able to hold them off, but two of them are killed. They reach the hospital which has been overrun by the Xenomorphs. Kelly stops and only a select few leave with her to the hospital, while others continue on to the center of town. Additionally, due to her previous military past, she knows that the military couldn't risk the infestation to spread beyond Gunnison and are trying to contain the threat. Kelly, is skeptical about this as they would be surrounded by Xenomorphs. Kelly and the others find an IAV Stryker and contact Colonel Stevens, who tells them to go to the center of town where there will be an air-evac to get them out. In the ensuing chaos, Kelly and Molly got out with the rest of the group, while two stoners and Dale are killed by Wolf and the Xenomorphs. Kelly throws Dallas a shotgun which allows him to escape Wolf's trap. Wolf captures Dallas and uses him as bait to get the Xenomorphs out in the open. There, Kelly and Molly meet Dallas Howard and other survivors, but the Xenomorphs have followed. Kelly and Molly leave, as Wolf didn't attack them as they are unarmed, although he follows them to a gun shop. When Molly gets scared and the man threatens them, Wolf sees him and blasts his head off with his plasma cannon. There they encounter a man who had seen a cloaked Wolf. Kelly takes Molly and runs off as the Xenomorph kills Tim, retreating to a graveyard. Tim goes to the window and is attacked by the Warrior Xenomorph. She screams, getting Kelly and Tim's attention, saying that there was a monster outside. Molly is using Kelly's night-vision goggles, in which she sees one of the Warrior Xenomorphs.

When the Predator Ship crash-lands in the small town, the Xenomorphs invade the town. Molly is somewhat estranged from Kelly due to her extended absence. She has a husband Tim and a daughter named Molly. Kelly O'Brien returns to Gunnison, Colorado after a tour of duty in the military.