The Life and Death of Richard the Third (1592-3) The Life and Death of Richard the Second (1595) The Life and Death of King John (1596) The First Part of King Henry the Fourth (1596-97) The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth (1597-98) The Life of King Henry the Fifth (1598-99) The Life of King Henry the Eight (1613) Note: Shakespeare’s reputation in print began with an allusion to one of the history plays. The Second Part of King Henry the Sixt (1591) The Third Part of King Henry Sixt (1591) The First Part of King Henry the Sixt (1592) While there is no definitive evidence of the precise date of composition of the plays, below is the proposed chronology of the editors of the Oxford edition of Shakespeare’s works, based on recent textual scholarship. The ten histories in the First Folio are presented in the chronological order of the historical action they depict, not in the order in which they were written. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, otherwise known as The First Folio (1623). Shakespeare’s English History Plays The title of Shakespeare’s collected plays is Mr. Instructor: Tom Sauer 81 Sponsor: Osher Life Long Learning Institute at Indiana State University Thursday, October 3 First Hour: Discussion of Episode 2 of The Hollow Crown Second Hour: Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 2 Thursday, October 10 First Hour: Discussion of Episode 3 of The Hollow Crown Second Hour: Shakespeare’s Henry V Thursday, October 17 First Hour: Discussion of Episode 4 of The Hollow Crown Second Hour: Discussion of the series as a whole in Room 313, University Hall, ISUĬourse Schedule Thursday, September 19 First Hour: Introduction to Shakespeare’s English History Plays Second Hour: Shakespeare’s Richard II Thursday, September 26 First Hour: Discussion of Episode 1 of The Hollow Crown Second Hour: Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 The course meets Thursdays, September 19, 26, October 3, 10, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Note: Each episode will be available on line via streaming at the Great Performances website for about one month after broadcast: The website also has links to previews of each episode, interviews with actors and directors, plot summaries for each episode, and other material. The Hollow Crown A Companion Course to the BBC Television Series Broadcast on Great Performances on PBS on September 20, 27, October 4, 11, 2013, 9:00 to 12:00 a.m./11:30 p.m (Jeremy Irons) Henry V (Tom Hiddleston).BBC Television Series The Hollow Crown(2012) Richard II (Ben Whishaw)