Added support for the ChippedSim's School Tweaks Locker Overhaul mod.Fixed starting sex with 'Multiple Sims Start' enabled sometimes not displaying refusal messages.Fixed the 'Wicked Wall Sex Marker' not showing up in Build/Buy under Custom Content.Fixed certain interactions not being restricted when using the Pose feature.

Fixed some objects in the High School Years world causing errors.Fixed Sex Autonomy not recognizing that objects are placed on Coffee Tables, Accent Tables, and TV Stands.

Improved detection of sex that can initiate pregnancy.Updated Pubic Hair growth rates for the current age spans.Otherwise, here's something you can try to prevent it from happening again.ĭownload Sims 4 Studio and go to 'Content Management -> Batch Fixes -> CAS -> Remove Fashion Tags' and Run it on your Mods folder. ❗ If your game save went back in time and you lost progress, make sure you're on the 1.91.205 game patch. ❗ If a custom body or strapon you used previously isn't working or can't be used, you have to update it a release compatible with the newest version of WickedWhims. ❗ If a penis made by Noir or Simdulgence is appearing deformed/stretched, you have to update it a release compatible with the newest version of WickedWhims. NANDONG_OverideSliderHeadJawMouthForTongueCompability.package.NANDONG_ymHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package.NANDONG_yfHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package.Here's a list of known PACKAGE files causing issues: ❗ If the tongue or penis is appearing floating/stretched/distorted (even when Sim is not having sex) then you need to delete incompatible/outdated mods affecting tongues and/or penises. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Supported Game Versions: 1.91.205 (Sep 8), 1.92.145 (Oct 11), 1.93.146 (Nov 22) Make sure to remove old mod files before installation! DOWNLOAD HERE